The RCEC is proud to offer the following course catalog. We continue to offer customized offerings to suit your needs, please fill out our contact form or visit our course calendar for upcoming dates.
Crossing the Rubicon
This technical program identifies regulatory actions, criminal actions, and when a regulatory action turns into a criminal investigation. There will be discussions on relevant case law and where we stand today.
Regulatory Compliance Fundamentals
This 40-hour Introduction training program is specifically designed for enforcement personnel.
Advanced Regulatory Search Warrant Training
Topics to be covered include the search warrant requirement, obtaining a search warrant, court orders, search warrant forms, authorities and process, return to search warrant.
Advanced Interviewing skills
This advanced course is designed to refine your interviewing skills, assess your techniques, and further your interviewing techniques.
Advanced testifying in court and tribunals
This program is designed to strengthen your overall communication skills when testifying. You will learn what to know to make the most of your testimony, what to expect in cross examination and how to survive it.
Confrontation Management in a Post Pandemic World
This one-day program discusses the communication process, controlling anxiety and deescalating techniques. There are group exercises.